Ideas, inspiration and the latest stories about our work.
As the market-leader in fitness devices, Fitbit already have an active audience of committed wearers who range from busy mums, to weekend cyclists, to swimmers and regular gym goers, to distance and marathon runners… to athletes. Perhaps it’s no surprise then that they are very much in tune with the current COVID-19 quarantine lock down and how the restriction is affecting all of us.
Staying at home with the family
Those with young kids face the daily challenge of keeping energetic and restless toddlers and juniors busy and engaged, both mentally and physically. There’s no doubt that this is a relentless task during non-pandemic times, but without access to extended family and external support, busy parents are permanently on the go and having to adapt very quickly.
Sulky ‘caged’ teenagers
A few years up the scale we have the home-schooling, X-box-playing, Netflix-watching teens, who are fast reaching boiling point having been cut-off from their peers and grounded from their usual ‘releases’ and activities. For most teenagers, staying home is a cruel punishment and they need all the distractions they can get!
Young and active
This bracket could well embody a significant proportion of those manning the supermarkets, chemists and packaging goods for deliveries, currently the lifeline of the nation, second only of course, to our commendable frontline NHS and key workers.
Philosophical middle ages
It seems that the 50 and 60 year olds amongst us are the most sanguine, rather less restless, following the rules, working from home where possible and thinking of useful ways to fill our time, be that gardening, re-decorating, baking for Britain or reading a mountain of books that we never had time to before.
70+ and locked down
By far the most intrepid bracket is the over 70’s confined to staying indoors with limited contact for potentially 3 months. No mean feat, but they have the wisdom of their life’s experience to draw on alongside the services of family and friends to get through this time.
One thing all these ‘brackets’ and indeed every one of us has in common is the need to keep active and keep moving – in whatever way we can.
Fitbit have devised a challenge that anyone can relate to and participate in. You don’t need a Fitbit to get on board, you can join with your smart phone – simply download the Fitbit app and follow the instructions to set up an account, and then visit www.goodmoveswithfitbit.com to register.
What’s the deal?
Working with Fitbit and KLOC Digital Development we’ve created a little competition. On joining the challenge, you’ll be allocated to a team – Team James, lead by fitness guru, athlete and man with super-abs, James Sterling AKA the London Fitness Guy, or Team Georgie, lead by fitness guru and wellness advocate, Georgie Crawford. It’s a game of steps, so by wearing your Fitbit device or carrying your phone (see notes above on joining) you can add your steps to a collective total.
Inspiration to keep moving
It is sooooo tempting to lie in the garden, on the sofa, fire up the the box-sets and dive into the stockpile of crisps and chocolate – but good people of Great Britain – we implore you to resist, (you’ll only regret it – we already are). To help you with your will power, Fitbit are providing a FREE 90 day subscription to their Premium Service with all kinds of goodies, plus you’ll find daily work outs for all styles and levels of fitness to fill your laptop and smart telly screens with Good Moves.
Every move counts
Watch the step count increase day-by-day at www.goodmoveswithfitbit.com and see if your team can outpace the other. So, whatever you’re doing whether you’re an exhausted parent, a restless teen, a busy doctor/nurse or keyworker, a supermarket worker, packer or delivery driver, a purposeful over 50 or confined over 70, every move you make will count. Quite literally.
Be a part of something good
There’s nothing like a bit of team spirit to keep you motivated and nothing like a bit of exercise to naturally boost your mood, plus for everyone who signs up 50p will be donated to GoodGym (up to a total of £10,000) so it really is all for good.