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Inca Team Outing to the RA Summer Exhibition

The exhibition offered up it’s usual eclectic visual Smorgasbord, we needed to pace ourselves, there was a lot to digest!

The Theme
Curated by British sculptor Alison Wilding, this year’s exhibition explores the theme of climate. The selection leans very heavily into the theme but in typical RA style with a plethora of not-so-subtle slogans and clichés. Art critic Jonathan Jones said in his review in the Guardian that “The insincerity hits you like a stench of decaying rubbish” and that “It is as if the Royal Academy has invented a new kind of art, Climate Kitsch”.

While we agree with some of the criticism, we think it is best not to take the RA summer exhibition too seriously. It is better to think of it as a big chaotic, colourful celebration of art. There were also some genuinely thought-provoking and beautiful pieces, some funny ones and we appreciated some clever use of upcycling.

Our Highlights
Below are some of our favourites, there were many more we could have included.

Kathleen Ryan – Bad Lemon
Kathleen Ryan – Bad Lemon
Amazing jewel encrusted sculpture of a rotton lemon. We liked how it appeared simultaneously beautiful and revolting
Robert Mach 'Mickey Mouse Art'
Robert Mach ‘Mickey Mouse Art’
Decorated with Tunnock Tea Cake wrappers
 Tom Phillips RA 1162 - QUILT
Tom Phillips RA 1162 – QUILT
Quilt made up of vintage prostitute calling cards


Jo loved this lamb sculpture!
tracy emin
Tracey Emin RA 154 – LIKE A CLOUD OF BLOOD

Section of large image made up of pressed flowers

 Yinka Shonibare

Yinka Shonibare RA 1204 – BEEKEEPER (GIRL) II

Grayson Perry
Grayson Perry RA 1374 – COVID BELL
Eileen Cooper
Eileen Cooper RA 409 – FAIR WEATHER

Arthur Analts – PRIORITY

Section of Grayson Perry RA – OUR TOWN


We left feeling inspired by the diversity and colour, it all feeds into our creative stream. We are already looking forward to seeing what next years exhibition will offer up.

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