Ideas, inspiration and the latest stories about our work.
2023 was an exciting year for business for Inca even if the global picture was one of uncertainty. Interest rates leapt up, but fortunately a recession was narrowly avoided.
On the World stage there were, and still are, ongoing conflicts that dominate the news and generate some sense of foreboding. What does the future hold? It’s always useful to look back and acknowledge where you’ve come from before stepping bolding into 2024.
Looking back
As it turns out 2023 was a year of hospitality and heritage. An interesting combination, interspersed with our other wide range of clients and topics: sports, health, engineering, property and more. We run the gamut sprinkling designer dust across many different business sectors.
We enjoyed digging into the theme bar scene, so popular with the age 20-40 (ish) audience up and down the country. Vibrant, eclectic and distinctive brands that seek to entice, evoke and entertain. The audience is mobile-led and well versed in the social media style of snappy reels, colourful imagery and instagrammable venues. Lots of fun.
We are currently working under wraps on an exciting heritage project that should come to fruition in 2024. The venue is a unique gem that has recently undergone a vast refurbishment courtesy of some incredible local campaigning and Heritage Lottery Funding, amongst other fundraising activity. The icing on the cake will be an interpretation display within the building, which will retell the stories of old through touchscreen, projection and audio display. We look to revealing all in due course.
And everything else
Besides the above two strong streams we have continued to work with our regular clients, supporting promotional material, developing websites and much else besides. We worked with Profeet on their ambassador and partner programme to highlight their extreme credentials and bring biomechanics to the masses. We were pleased to resume working with the Slatter Group following a hiatus, focussing on their Cricket, Play and Maintenance Services.
The Norup Clinic and Surrey Gynaecology both had makeovers to freshen up and bring them bang up to date. It’s important to stay on top of the digital marketplace especially when this attracts many of your patients, clients or visitors. We supported many others with their social media and digital campaigns including MIH Property Management and ACL Engineering. And much more. So a busy year all round.
How can we be so diverse? And how can we be effective in so many different areas?
Fundamentally design and all that comes from that, be that brand identity, digital design and web development, interpretation and large format print, social media and promotion etc… all abide by some core principles.
Firstly, we look to understand your business, the environment in which you operate, the audience(s) you address or would like to address, and your aims and intentions.This might include raising brand awareness, promoting existing and new services, reaching a new target audience, telling your story in a unique and engaging way or reinventing your company persona. The skill is in getting a strong feel for what you do, getting under the skin and then bringing forward the best possible representation.
2024: What does the future hold?
We polish off our crystal ball and gaze into the year ahead. Once again, we have much on the agenda with some exciting new projects coming forward.
Tech and all that
We always have an eye on technology and where things are going. We’ve gotten to grips with AI and learned that it is still absolutely in its infancy. We have been entertained by some comedy ai-generated images (so fake) and bored by some ai-text (bland and formulaic), but we’re interested to see if there’s some possible future use for this tech. For now we’re delighted to offer real, fresh content, text and images that are completely AI-free and bespoke to you.
Security and practicality
It seems that cyber security is a bit of a theme these days. Following on from the GDPR clamp down a few years back we have digital security firmly in hand and work with our clients to ensure best practice is complied with. To add to this we are partnering up with some of our long term colleagues to bring you a new app – NUKE. This clever new concept will allow you to quickly cancel credit cards and passwords in the event of a mobile phone theft, something that is very prevalent. NUKE is deep in development and will be launching later this year. Watch this space to find out more.
This is in continual supply at Inca Creative and we like to keep abreast of the trends. We’re always on the look out for new angles and immerse ourselves in UK culture, experiential activities, news, views and current affairs. We’re bristling with ideas for 2024.
Primed and ready for action
As you can see, we’re building on a successful 2023 and ready to embrace an upwardly trending 2024. We believe that positive intent delivers positive outcomes and that’s where we’re setting our compass. So come whatever this year may hold, we putting a confident foot forward.
Happy New Year!